[Csync2] ERROR from peer http0: Identification failed!

Alex Cartwright alexc223 at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 5 12:38:58 CET 2011

> Both then do a forward lookup of that hostname, and if that does not
> resolve to the respective remote ip address, that is rejected.
> We do that to avoid accidentally syncing with the wrong peer
> and causing, ahum, major inconvenience.
> Depending on your setup, forward lookup usually involves looking
> at /etc/hosts, so that's why this influences csync2 "authentication".

I'm still a little confused as to just what exactly it is checking. I'm trying 
it on a smaller scale here using just 1 peer and lots of debug to see what is 
going on, but none of it makes sense. 

This is the output from "example.net":

    $ hostname; hostname -f
    $ grep -E "example|nas0" hosts
    77.xx.xx.xx    example.net example     nas0.cluster nas0
    $ dig +noall +answer example nas0
    example.                  0       IN      A       77.xx.xx.xx
    nas0.                   0       IN      A
    $ less csync2.cfg 
    # please see the REAMDE file how to configure csync2
    nossl * *;

    group standard {
        # Standard group that syncs up common configuration
        # that generally all our servers will be using.
        key /etc/csync2.key;
        auto none;

        host rrltd;       
        host nas0;

        include /etc/csync2.cfg;     
        include /etc/vim/vimrc;

And from "nas0.cluster"

    $ hostname; hostname -f
    $ grep -E "example|nas0" hosts     nas0.cluster nas0
    77.xx.xx.xx    example.net example   
    $ dig +noall +answer example nas0
    example.                  0       IN      A       77.xx.xx.xx
    nas0.                   0       IN      A
    $ less csync2.cfg 
    # please see the REAMDE file how to configure csync2
    nossl * *;

    group standard {
        # Standard group that syncs up common configuration
        # that generally all our servers will be using.
        key /etc/csync2.key;
        auto none;

        host rrltd;       
        host nas0;

        include /etc/csync2.cfg;     
        include /etc/vim/vimrc;

So why on Earth does the following fail?

$ sudo csync2 -x -P nas0 -vvv /etc/vim/vimrc
My hostname is example.
Database-File: /var/lib/csync2/example.db
Config-File:   /etc/csync2.cfg
Match (+): /etc/vim/vimrc on /etc/vim/vimrc
Running check for /etc/vim/vimrc ...
SQL: SELECT filename from file where filename = '/etc/vim/vimrc'  ORDER BY 
SQL Query finished.
Match (+): /etc/vim/vimrc on /etc/vim/vimrc
Checking /etc/vim/vimrc.
SQL: SELECT checktxt FROM file WHERE filename = '/etc/vim/vimrc'
SQL Query finished.
SQL: SELECT peername FROM dirty GROUP BY peername ORDER BY random()
SQL Query finished.
SQL: SELECT filename, myname, force FROM dirty WHERE peername = 'nas0' ORDER 
by filename ASC
SQL Query finished.
Connecting to host nas0 (PLAIN) ...
Local> CONFIG \n
Peer> OK (cmd_finished).\n
Local> HELLO example\n
Peer> Identification failed!\n
While syncing file /etc/vim/vimrc:
ERROR from peer nas0: Identification failed!
Local> BYE\n
Peer> OK (cu_later).\n
SQL: SELECT command, logfile FROM action GROUP BY command, logfile
SQL Query finished.
Finished with 1 errors.

It makes 100% no sense to me, everything matches up ... or at least I think it 
does. Any help?


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