[Csync2] Remove csync2 hosts

Höllrigl, Georg georg.hoellrigl at maxolution.at
Thu May 8 11:12:13 CEST 2008


Im using csync2 1.33 and added a host and removed it afterwards.

Now I get the following error message, when csync tries to connect to the removed host:

Can't connect to remote host.
ERROR: Connection to remote host failed.
Host stays in dirty state. Try again later...

The host isn't in the csync2.cfg any more.

How can I fix this?


Ing. Georg Höllrigl 


MAXOLUTION Internet Services GmbH
3744 Stockern 47
Tel:       +43 (0) 2983 27161 1612
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Email:   georg.hoellrigl at maxolution.at
Web:    http://www.maxolution.at
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